Past Projects 2019
JENMON successfully secured 8 units of Gantry cranes from Chip Eng Seng (CES)- Housing & Development Board (HDB)’s Seng Kang N4, C39 & C40 Project

Housing & Development Board (HDB) awarded Chip Eng Seng Contractors (1988) Pte Ltd for the design and building of public housing at Sengkang- Neighourhood 4, Contract 39 and 40. This encompasses the construction of 10 residential buildings along with 2 carparks and communal amenities.
Chip Eng Seng Contractors (1998) Pte Ltd appointed Jenmon International Pte Ltd for the design supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of 5 units of 40ton and 3 units of 15ton gantry cranes.
Throughout this project, Jenmon has been and will continue to maintain and perform the required visual inspections to keep the cranes at their tip top performance.
Jenmon International is proud to be a long-term supplier of Chip Eng Seng Corporation Ltd and its subsidiaries.

Awarded by Ssangyong-Hyundai Joint Venture for 2 units of 40 ton Gantry Cranes for Land Transport Authority (LTA) – Thomson-East Coast Line – T308 project
LTA awarded the construction of the Marine Terrace station and its associated tunnels in the Thomson-East Coast Line to Ssangyong-Hyundai Joint Venture.
Jenmon was then awarded by Ssangyong-Hyundai Joint Venture to provide one-stop solutions to design, supply, deliver, install, test, commission, maintain and dismantle 2 units of 40 ton Gantry Cranes.
With a solid track record of LTA projects, Jenmon is deeply honoured to be awarded once again. Despite the limited travelling space in between the Gantry Cranes, Jenmon’s Project and Design team is working closely with Ssangyong-Hyundai team to complete and achieve the desired sophisticated design.

Awarded by Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd. and Koh Brothers Joint Venture for 1 unit of 35 ton Gantry Crane and 3 units of 20 ton Gantry Cranes for Public Utilities Board (PUB) for Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) Phase 2
Awarded by Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd. and Koh Brothers Joint Venture for 1 unit of 35 ton Gantry Crane and 3 units of 20 ton Gantry Cranes for Public Utilities Board (PUB) for Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) Phase 2 Project – Contract T-08
The Public Utilities Board (PUB) awarded the construction of the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) Phase 2 T-08 to Penta-Ocean and Koh Brothers Joint Venture.
Jenmon was then awarded by Penta-Ocean and Koh Brothers Joint Venture to design, fabricate, supply, deliver, install, test and commission 1 unit of 35 ton Gantry Crane and 3 units of 20 ton Gantry Cranes.
With numerous working experiences with Penta Ocean and Koh Brothers, Jenmon is honoured to be awarded yet again for another project.
The 4 units of Gantry Cranes have to be engaged in deep tunnelling works, as the construction of the deep tunnel sewers will serve as a conveyer to distribute the used water to three centralised treatment plants under PUB. These gantry cranes are designed with hook height of 72m deep and high speed of 24 m/min and operated at 90% full load for the project period.
With the expertise in deep tunnelling works over the years, Jenmon provides our customer with the best possible lifting solutions.

Awarded by Leighton Contractors (Asia) Limited (Singapore Branch) for 2 units of 50 ton Gantry Cranes for Public Utilities Board (PUB) for Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) Phase 2 Project – Contract T-09
The project is part of a network of 40 km of deep tunnels and 60 km of link sewers for DTSS Phase 2 which will be built using the tunnelling method.
Over the next seven years, they will develop the detailed design and construct some 30 km of deep tunnels and link sewers as well as the associated ancillary structures.
This network of 100 km of deep tunnels and link sewers will connect to the Tuas Water Reclamation Plant, which is expected to be completed in 2025. By then, the whole of Singapore will be served by the DTSS.
Used water will be conveyed from the DTSS via gravity to three centralised water reclamation plants for treatment, before it undergoes further purification to produce NEWater, or discharged into the sea.
Jenmon International, a specialist in high speed deep tunnel gantry cranes was then awarded by Leighton Asia to design, fabricate, supply, deliver, install, test and commission 2 units of 50 ton Gantry Cranes.
In this project, the Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) will be travelling underground along the Ayer Rajah Expressway. Hence, both units of cranes had to be customized with a span of 30 m and 65m height of lift and a long travelling 80m to achieve the lifting operation required.
These gantries can be de-rated to 25 tons and rated back to 50 tons as and when the works is required.
Another feature on these gantries is Jenmon’s proprietary software, eSmart system.
- eSMART system is designed as a safety device to prevent crane accidents at job site. It provides real-time data to authorised personnel to halt the crane operations immediately, if required.
- The system works on Real-time Detection of Faults sent to mobile. Alerts are sent Via SMS or Whatsapp. Mobile app installed on Supervisor or PIC mobile to allow the authorisation of crane stoppage remotely due to inappropriate usage of crane by operator or crane faults.
- Allow immediate rectification of crane faults by crane specialist or to correct/retrain the crane operator on the mishandling of crane.
With the completion of this project, Jenmon has yet again further enhanced our capability in providing the best lifting solutions to our customers.
Click here to find out more about eSMART system