About us

Message From CEO

As I look at what Jenmon International has achieved since its inception in 2001, I am extremely proud to announce that we have grown from a local start-up to a regional crane and service provider, helping our customers solve their industrial lifting needs, and staying ahead. Everyone seeks success and as the leader of Jenmon, I cultivate a company culture where success does not just mean churning in a healthy profit. It also includes ensuring that our customers are safe, and are continuously learning, growing, and prospering. Just as I am concerned with the safety of my family, all our staff members are equipped with the necessary safety devices to ensure a smooth and accident-free experience.

Attheservicelevel,ourattention to even the tiniest detail is what defines our services. Our one-stop and hassle-free service centre is able to detect problems before they arise and solve some of the most complicated problems. We understand that our customers lead very busy lives and thus, do our part by offering convenience and ease to complete their jobs.

Withoutprogress,wewouldnotbewherewe are today. Inorder to achieve that, I believe that every person is entitled to learn and keep learning. When there is progress, there is growth. Other than providing a 24/7 stand-by service, we provide up-to-the-minute data inspections, training, as well as refresher courses for our customers to equip them with the necessary information and skills. With growth, comes prosperity. Prosperity is a privilege and that means having the ability to share the great joy with the people we care about.

Iamfullyawarethat Jenmon cannot achieveits successwithout the unwavering support of our customers and dedicated staff. I am in deep gratitude. Some of our customers work far away from our present location and in order to share Jenmon’s success by bringing the benefits closer to all our customers, Jenmon plans to organise more events and develop more user-friendly systems. As our customer, you have my ironclad promise to always strive for the best while serving your desired needs and keeping you informed throughout the entire process.


, z Draft About Us

Mark Ong

Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Jenmon International Pte Ltd

Industrial Cranes Equipment distributor

Corporate Profile 

Industrial lifting has never been about the individual component but rather, the sum of its parts. That is the experience of being served by Jenmon International. We provide complete solutions to lift your business operations to newer heights. Since 2001, we have focused solely on designing sophisticated gantry crane systems to make complex lifting easy.

Singapore serves as the nerve centre for Jenmon’s operations throughout Asia, and our seamless solutions have been experienced by clients in Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Vietnam and China.

Jenmon’s rapport with major players in the industries of Aerospace, Entertainment, Construction, Oil & Gas, Healthcare and Marine has been the reason why we are able to build new relationships in these markets.

Our ability to work closely with clients has enabled us to anticipate new challenges that clients might face and develop the appropriate solutions to overcome them. That ability has also allowed us to become the crane system expert for industrial lifting in our chosen markets. As part of Jenmon’s service experience, in-depth site assessments are conducted to generate the correct design parameters and create the best-fit solutions to meet your specific requirements. This ranges from workflow process conceptualisation, to redesigning crane systems, and to the provision of standalone gantry crane systems and parts.

Jenmon’s work does not just stop with the commissioning of crane systems. We want to ensure that your lifting operations run smoothly in every aspect through proper on-site training, regular maintenance and servicing.

When you engage Jenmon, you are not just getting a lifting equipment distributor, but a crane systems specialist and partner who will ensure that your lifting operations run like clockwork

Our Vision & Mission

Our Philosophy

We put great care and attention in building the most reliable and high-performance crane systems. Even after delivering our products, it is not the end of the process yet. Rather, it is the beginning of a relationship. This is due to the fact that we treat our customers as our committed partners, thus aiming to achieve success together. When our customers achieve their goals, we will be there to celebrate with them.

When they face insurmountable challenges, we will put our heads together and find the best solution possible. Furthermore, if they dream to become the greatest, fastest, and biggest, we will be running side by side with them to turn it into reality.

Jenmon Core Values

Our commitment for our customers can be seen in Jenmon’s Core Values which drive us to build long-term relationships with clients through the customisation of solutions that are safe, providing an excellent service experience. This is why global giants such as McConnell Dowell, 3M Innovation, Lonza Pharma, Hitachi Plant Technologies, PPL Shipyard; and Singapore Test Services, chose Jenmon as their partner for lifting solutions.

We believe that companies can grow their business in two ways: by finding new clients or growing with existing ones. We believe that growing with our existing clients by helping them grow is the right approach to fulfil our mission of providing The Renowned Specialist For Lifting Solutions.

From conceptualisation, to commissioning and conditioning of crane systems, we are with you every step of the way.

Because we have always treated your success as our own.